Wednesday, January 8, 2014

must watch documentaries

Savannah and I love to watch documentaries. It's like a cheaters way to consume a lot of information. Obviously, you have to watch them with a bit of skepticism and do your own research because everyone has an agenda. Documentarians definitely have an agenda if nothing less than to make their movie a hit. We have a list below of some of our favorites. I'm sure they all have flaws but they were eye opening nonetheless. If I had to pick one for you to watch it would be Food, Inc. Stop what you are doing and watch it immediately if you haven't seen it.

Food, Inc.
Fat, Sick, & Nearly Dead
Escape Fire
Forks Over Knives
Half the Sky
Pink Ribbons, Inc.
Tent City, USA.
Inside Job

Sometimes you watch these kind of documentaries and you are moved and overwhelmed all at once. Usually the emotion/conviction goes away and the feeling of being overwhelmed takes over and we do nothing. Been there. Lived that. We suggest to pick one thing to change or do. It doesn't haven't to be a grand gesture. Maybe it's using reusable bags instead of plastic bags. Whatever it is, do something. Satan loves for us to get overwhelmed and then stuck in inaction. We are not responsible for fixing the world's problems. Deal what is in front of you. Pray about it and ask God what one thing you could change. He will give you the strength to follow through if you let Him. Just do something!

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