Savannah & I are currently in a women's bible study led by our pastor's wife, Heather. She is delightful. We are studying different women throughout the Bible and looking at how God used them. The idea is that we would understand that God intended us for a purpose. This week we are studying Ruth. As I was reflecting on this book I was in awe of God's timing. He is always on time, ya know? I say this as I am currently waiting. I am waiting for a promised husband. I am waiting to understand my next steps. I am waiting for dreams to be fulfilled, and most of all I wait with great anticipation for the coming of Christ.
Waiting is so very hard. If you've spent more than 5 minutes with me you will learn that I am easily one of the most impatient people you will ever meet. Ask Savannah. Bless her patient heart. When we are in a season of waiting we have to remember that God is always faithful. Ruth and Naomi were dealt terrible losses. Naomi became bitter (eventually she came around, though), but Ruth found hope and a new God. Ruth walked blindly in faith as she followed Naomi. She never expected to find a husband again, but in God's great kindness he gave her Boaz AND she was in the genealogy of Christ. Hello?!? That's amazing. What if she would have stayed behind? What if she would have left Naomi? She probably wouldn't have ended up married to Boaz or in the line of Christ.
I was talking with Heather the other day and she was relaying a story about Beth Moore. Please stop reading here if you don't love Beth Moore. We can't be friends. How can you not love Beth Moore?!?! Moving right along... in one of Beth's books she talked about getting so upset at the thought of her husband leaving her. She said God spoke to her and said that she needed to follow that story all the way through if she was going to go there. If her husband did leave her, then what? God would be there. If the worst thing imaginable happened to her, God would be there.
I share this with you because I want you to know that God does have a plan. He is not haphazardly orchestrating your life. Everything has purpose- good, bad, ugly, pain and all. God turns bad into good. The Bible gives us so many examples of this. He is simply asking us to wait and abide in Him. Do not fear. The people who have achieved great things for the Kingdom have taken blind steps of faith- some big steps and small steps. As you wait, ask God what next step do you need to take. You can be assured He will be calling you to walk closer to Him.
Let's wait together and stand united in the love and glory of Christ. Amen?!
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